Virginia Yerxa Community Read
This year's Virginia Read is supported by the following donors and organizations:
Margaret Abele and Family
Jon and Juliann Cheney
Jim and Marilyn Davison
Mark and Deidre Galentine
Emily James
Jon and Roberta James
Pat and Mary (Steidlmayer) Kessi
Ray and Donna Krause
Leo and Cindy Steidlmayer
Peggy Townzen
John and Diane Vafis
Charles and Elizabeth Yerxa
Mike Reinhart and Dorothy Yerxa
Brennan, Jewett and Associates
Colusa Unified School District
Colusa Movie Theater
Friends Around the Block Quilt Shop
Sycamore Family Trust - Davis Ranches
Gratefully, we make additions to this list throughout the year. Please check again for the most recent information about the supporters of this year's Virginia Read.
"Love sought is good,
but given unsought is better.”
Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare
Supporting Community Through Reading