Supporting Community Thro​ugh Reading

“How could we save for land?”

"You must take an empty condensed-milk can and wash it well.”

“A can… ?”

“Cut off the top neatly. Cut strips down the can the length of your finger...Bend the strips backward. The can will look like a clumsy star. Make a slit in the top. Then nail the can, a nail in each strip, in the darkest corner of your closet. Each day put five cents in it. In three years there will be a small fortune, fifty dollars. Take the money and buy a lot in the country.” 

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

by Betty Smith

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


This year's Virginia Read is supported by the following donors and organizations: 

Barclay Braden

Ben and Denise Carter

Stacey Zwald Costello

Jim and Marilyn Davison

​Mark and Deidre Galentine

Jon and Roberta James

Ray and Donna Krause

Jeremy Miller

Dwayne Newman

​Leo and Cindy Steidlmayer

Sycamore Family Trust - Davis Ranches

Peggy Townzen

John and Diane Vafis

Charlie and Kerry Verutti

Jim and Cynthia White

Charles and Elizabeth Yerxa

Woody and Kathy Yerxa